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docco: XoilacTV

docco: XoilacTV

Regular price VND 16.040
Regular price Sale price VND 16.040
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docco: docco-next - npm,Hydraulic Gear Pump, GPM Gear Pump, Hydraulic Motor, Pumps ...,GitHub - mbrevoort/docco-husky: A fork of docco for generating ...,jashkenas/docco: Literate Programming can be Quick and Dirty. - GitHub,
(function { var Docco, _, buildMatchers, commander, configure, defaults, document, format, fs, getLanguage, highlightjs, languages, marked, parse, path, run, version ...
Docco is a tool that produces HTML documents with code and comments intermingled. It supports various programming languages, Markdown, Highlight.js, and literate style.
Docco Next works with normal source code (such as .js or .c) as well as literate source code (such as literate CoffeeScript, .litcoffee, or With pure literate style, all you have to do is add the .md extension to your source file.
What is Docco? Docco is a NodeJS tool advertised as a "quick-and-dirty documentation generator". I decided to try it out to see how the tool relates to literate programming and whether it can help encourage better quality code. Trying Docco out on real code
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